Coalway Early Years
As a charity setting we rely heavily on fundraising and grants from local and national organisations to support us in providing continuous, fresh and exciting resources, equipment, activities and experiences for the children as well as to maintain our building.
Recently we have concentrated on our outdoor space. With the amazing support from members of the local community, who volunteered their time and donated materials we have enhanced our mud garden! The area has been levelled, re turfed. and we also have new mud kitchens, a huge sandpit and digging pit - The children have spent many hours enjoying this newly refurbished area! And not forgetting our wonderful staff who always volunteer their time to work their magic with half termly 'tidy up' sessions, both indoors and out.
Our current focus is to improve the look and feel of our building which is looking a little tired and is in desperate need of a revamp - we are currently obtaining quotes to refurbish both play rooms, including new flooring and toilets!
We are fortunate to have fantastic support from all our parents with our Regular fundraising events which includes a Christmas raffle, various Easter activities, photography commission and participating in the Summer Fayre with the schools on site. We are always grateful for offers of help with fundraising events as well as new ideas! If you would like to organise or suggest a fundraising event please contact us by email .
Recent Fundraising, Grants and Donations Received -
Arnold Clark Grant of £1000
Donation from the 'June Ball Trust'- nominated by one of our parents- £5000!!!!
Easter Fundraising Activities and Raffle- raised £681.50
Tesco Community grants in store vote of £1000